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Course Descriptions

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HLSX 568 Health and Information Literacy for Healthcare Professionals (3 QH)

This course introduces students to the skills and techniques needed to become an information literate individual. Students will have the opportunity to acquire and practice the following: identifying the topic of interest or developing a research question; acquiring knowledge through the efficient use of current technologies, such as online and electronic resources; establishing evaluation criteria for information resources; evaluating and integrating the acquired information to answer the original query/research question, while complying with copyright laws/guidelines; and effectively communicating this information, through an appropriate medium, to the target audience in an ethical and legal manner. In addition, students will explore the impact of health literacy on patient care and health outcomes and will acquire the skills needed to assist them in translating information about diseases and their treatments into a language that healthcare consumers can understand.

HLSX 530 Statistics for Health Professionals (4 QH)

This course covers fundamental concepts and methods of statistics for data analysis, presentation, reporting and interpretation. Students will develop practical knowledge and skills for application of basic statistical analyses.

HLSX 570 Modern Nutrition (3 QH)

Understanding nutrition is central to health and well-being. This course provides an up to date and in-depth overview of evidence-based, human nutrition including the assimilation of nutrients from food and promotion of healthy diet practices. Structure and function of nutrients, their metabolism, requirements, deficiencies and toxicities and the fundamental principles of energy metabolism and fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance will also be covered. This course also emphasizes behavioral skills and motivational techniques for those working in health and nutrition-related fields.

HLSX 576 Nutrition and Human Physical Performance (3 QH)

This course focuses on the role of nutrition in the physiological and metabolic responses of the body to a wide range of physical activity. Macronutrient, micronutrient and fluid needs associated with physical activity and the nutritional needs of special athletic populations will be addressed. Topics such as the role of physical activity in the prevention of disease and the promotion of health and wellness, the use of supplements in athletes and exercise prescription for health conditions will also be discussed.

HLSX 572 Health and Wellness Coaching (3 QH)

This course builds on basic counseling skills to include health coaching techniques. The three pillars of coaching include: motivational interviewing, positive psychology, and mindfulness. You will learn about each of these methods and then how to combine them into coaching! The student will learn how to take a guiding role in empowering clients to choose a healthy lifestyle. Acting as a client-centered health coach and empowering clients to become the expert in determining their own wellness goals and plans, the student will practice motivational interviewing and these other techniques to reach positive ends.

HLSX 583 Advanced Nutrition and Chronic Disease (4 QH)

This course gives a clinical analysis of the pathophysiological and metabolic basis for nutritional management in the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases impacting the population, including diabetes, heart disease, obesity, cancer, and osteoporosis.

HLSM 690 Independent Study-Practicum Project (6 QH)

This course is an independent study that the student completes as their final course. This is an individualized learning experience designed to meet the specific educational needs of the student and is focused on research, education or health care policy.

HLSM 500 Chronic Preventable Disease and Introduction to Lifestyle Medicine (3 QH)

This course provides the student with a framework from which to build a practice of lifestyle medicine. An introduction and overview to lifestyle medicine as an evidence-based approach to preventing, treating and reversing diseases. Discussion of the effects of chronic diseases on individuals and looking at the cost and burden of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cardiac disease, hypertension and metabolic disorder. The concepts of how to provoke behavioral change will be explored.

HLSM 501 Strategies to Manage Mental and Emotional Health and Avoiding Risky Substances (3 QH)

This course will focus on how mental and emotional health are negatively impacted by stress. In addition, the positive aspects of stress will be addressed. We will examine the latest research on stress- reduction techniques such as relaxation, mindfulness and meditation on health and well-being. Proper sleep is a necessity for optimal functioning of the human body. A review of the basics of sleep and sleep cycles, how sleep affects the body’s functioning. Finally, the effect of risky behaviors such as tobacco, alcohol and drug use can be detrimental to the health and wellness of individuals. The use of motivational interviewing and smoking cessation will be explored. Given the opioid crisis in the US, we will look at the opioid crisis and discuss addictive behaviors and possible solutions.

HLSM 600 Concepts of Population Health and Personal Health (3 QH)

This course will introduce the student to concepts of population health. Topics of social determinants of health, health disparities, diversity, equity and inclusion in relation to access to health care, health care policy and health literacy will be examined. The student will explore their own personal health and wellness and understand that healthcare providers must lead by example.

HLSX 592 Research Design (4 QH)

This course is an introduction to the elements of thought and the logic of critical thinking. Measurement theory and principles are studied. The role of the researcher in professional practice is examined. Principles and application of scientific inquiry are emphasized.


HLSM 601 Culinary Medicine (3 QH)

This course is designed to expose health care professionals and students to the fundamentals of cooking in order to both improve personal health and more effectively counsel patients on diet and nutrition. The emphasis of this course is on learning fundamental culinary skills for the basic preparation of healthy and delicious whole foods. Through cooking demonstrations and hands-on practice of foundational culinary skills, students will learn the basics of preparing delicious, healthy food that promotes good nutrition and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. This course is led by instructors who have a passion for cooking and health. All levels of cooking experience are welcome and encouraged (including NO experience!). Everyone will eat what they’ve prepared at the end of each class.

HLSX 569 Communication Strategies, Methods and Techniques (3 QH)

This course targets strategies, methods and techniques to enhance the effectiveness of professional and client-centered communications. Translation of evidence-based science into layman’s terms will be emphasized. Use of social media, media training and how to promote oneself as a nutrition professional will be included.

HLSX 573 Instructional Design for Health Education (3 QH)

This course is designed to provide the healthcare professional with educational skills and techniques for the classroom, the individual client and for continuing education programs. The skills and techniques addressed are: developing teaching materials to include learner assessment, creating learning objectives, designing student-focused teaching methods, assessing learning outcomes and evaluating the educational experience. This course will primarily focus on learning theories for the adult learner. The student will design a complete educational offering (teaching module).

HLSX 575 Complementary Medicine and Dietary Supplements (3 QH)

This course is an overview of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that includes alternative medical systems, holistic, integrative, mind-body interventions and biologically based therapies including a variety of herbs and dietary supplements such as botanicals, vitamins and minerals. The regulatory policies relating to safety of the therapies will be discussed. An evidence-based process will be used to analyze associated benefits and regulatory concerns.

HLSX 541 Community Health Assessment and Intervention (3 QH)

This course addresses community health topics in order to provide the skills required to delineate health status and design appropriate interventions and ongoing evaluation strategies for improved health of a defined community. The student will use evidence to identify health-related needs, collect appropriate data to support those defined needs, determine health disparities and identify resources to meet a set of priorities.